I recently suggested to the bf that we should go to the Tequila & Mezcal fest. Hardly an innocuous statement yet there are a few variables that may change the context. I really dislike Tequila. It just doesn't make me happy. It makes me deeply unhappy. The smell, the taste...I feel ill thinking about it now.
I remember one time someone once gave me a shot of tequila telling me it was a sambucca (I say this like it's preferred but it's all bad in my old age) and by the time it was swilling in my mouth it was too late to orchestrate a retaliation other than to unhappily glare at the insolent individual through puffed cheeks as I prolonged the inevitable.
The other variable was I wasn't planning on drinking too much. "So you want us to go to a tequila festival...with free alcohol...and you're not drinking". Yup.
However I'm going to Mexico in November and whilst I have been poring over my Lonely Planet guidebook, I wanted to learn a little more about it. "It" being anything about Mexico other than sombreros, ponchos, burritos and Jose Cuervo.
Actually I did learn a lot. About agave plants; how long they grow, how they are integral to tequila making. How the cheap tequila we are used to doesn't have enough agave. How there is the classic, smoked and aged variations. How there was 13 stands alone of Tequila brands let alone Mezcal.
So to appease me who avoided the tequila shots I had a few cocktails (and a beer) made byt he awesome guys at Barrio instead. Because...c'mon...it's me.

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