Monday, 29 October 2012

Carom and Floridita Cocktail Bar Review

Carom and Floridita Cocktail Bar Review

I just can't stay away from Leicester Square so it seems, or Wardour Street for that matter.  Only a couple of days after pay day cocktails with the girlies, I was back again on a date with a self imposed venue of Floridita (100 Wardour Street, W1F 0TN).

There was a slight confusion with what I thought was Floridita and what was actually Floridita.  Essentially 2 D&D restaurants, Floridita and Carom share the same address but are 2 different establishments.  Carom is the one as you enter and has an exotic Indian and middle Eastern feel about it whereas Floridita down the stairs has a gutsy Latin American soul to it with live music playing.

Again me and the date were running late.  As if I wasn't stressed enough about that, I was also fretting because I seemed to have picked a carriage on the tube over that had a bad smell coming from it and spent the rest of the evening worrying that I smelt like a fish market and was spraying perfume like I had OCD.  Despite his tardiness the date had redeemed himself by booking a table for us - much more organised than me.  He confessed he felt the need to step up his game after I so bossily decided we were going to Floridita's.

So whilst I was waiting, I had the same drink the last time I had when I was here called the Lychee and rose petal-tini.  As I described it to my date when he arrived, this literally was happiness in a glass and the starring photo of this post.  Tanqueray gin (thumbs up), Boudier lychee, lychee puree, maraschino liquor, lemon and rose syrup this was a delicate but sweet concoction of pure bliss.  So good I had 2 that night.  However, despite telling everyone last time I had it in Floridita, it was actually from Carom and I would recommend the bar to a million people if I knew a million people.

Anyway the date arrived (he wasn't really that late and I just looked like an alcoholic clutching my happiness in a glass drink) and we headed down.  Unfortunately it wasn't quite the right situation to mention this blog so I didn't take any photos so no reminders of what was in what I consumed.  I had a mai tai to begin with served in a funky glass with a face on it.  Despite it's fun and friendly appearance, it was incredibly strong and quite difficult to enjoy.  I also with an apple martini which had hardly seen an apple in it's life and skipped straight to the alcohol.  So strong I actually couldn't finish it.  There was also another one but it made a similar impression to the other ones and not really one worth remembering / writing about.

The date had a drink called the zombie which came with a warning that only 2 were allowed per person in one session.  It was pure alcohol in a long, long glass.  Poor guy.  After that, I chose for him to have a dark and stormy but they advised against it to allow him to recover and recommended the watermelon splash.  Refreshing, yes but after the drinks him (and me) were having, it felt we almost had to hunt out the alcohol in it.

Floridita had a great vibe to it with the live music but I think I much preferred Carom for the drinks and it's more indulgent yet laid back feel to it.  The other thing I should mention is that I really liked the date.  Fingers crossed.

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