Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Martini o'clock with House of Fraser

There's something a little sleazy about "Hey, wanna come round mine for a drink?" but if it's a cocktail, suddenly it seems OK.  Anyway it can't be sleazy because it's round mine and I'm classy (hahahahahahaha....I mean...hahahahahahaha).  Failing that, I have some fancy martini glasses to show off courtesy of  House of Fraser.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Cocktails at the Dark Circus Party Holborn

Cocktails at the Dark Circus Party Holborn

Some people have a local pub they like to frequent.  Clearly I like to frequent transformed ballrooms surrounded by circus freaks, half naked performers and potent cocktails as this would be the third entry I have written on this blog about The Dark Circus Party.  

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Cocktails at Tredwell's London

Cocktails at Tredwell's London

I spend the first half of the year trying some sort of starvation diet to have a body that people won't recoil from seeing on the beach in the summer. Usually starts off with "absolutely no cakes", to "only cake on Friday" to "I'm going to have cake everyday but half the amount I normally would" to "f*ck it, it's been a long week and oops looks like I've eaten the whole thing".  After July it's then pretty much downhill, I embrace lumpy big jumpers I can hide under meaning I can eat anything I want.  Hurrah!  And ate I did at Tredwell's.