Sometimes I think it would be awesome if I worked with my friends. My friends make me happy and if I'm happy I'd be mega productive right? Then I'd concluded how quickly my friends would dislike me once they realise how disorganised yet bossy I was. Thankfully, it's only my colleagues who have to deal with that and I must be OK as a few of us went for dinner at the Turtle Bay.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Monday, 8 September 2014
Cocktails at Ben's Canteen Clapham
Clapham has suddenly crept into my life with some speed over the last year. Races (10k and 15k *smug*), boot camp classes (short lived because I couldn't deal with the wimpy girls who didn't want to do push ups in the mud...the zumba class is down the road love), dates (let's not discuss those) and raves (my first festival and I choose SW4 - start how I mean to go on) to name a few reasons for my trips to Clapham. And now off to Ben's Canteen for food because my brother had a requirement of "somewhere good for burgers" (or is it Battersea...I'm not au fait with the regional rules yet).