Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Cocktails at Balls Brothers London Bridge

Cocktails at Balls Brothers London Bridge

I can't get enough of tall buildings in London - it just makes London look so purty.  So far I've had cocktails at Paramount (level 33), the Gherkin (level 40) and Vertigo 42 (level 42...duh).  Now the mother of all tall buildings - the Shard (level 72).  Although not for completely classy reasons but to rave it up at a silent disco.  Yeeeees.  This calls for some food and cocktails first, stopping off at Hays Galleria - Balls Brothers.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Cocktails at the Kensington Roof Gardens

Cocktails at the Kensington Roof Gardens
There is a hilarious episode of the Simpsons when Homer buys Marge a bowling ball for her birthday which was transparently purchased for him to enjoy.  I unashamedly do the same thing but instead of a bowling ball it was a masquerade ball as I bought tickets for my friend and I to go to a party at the Kensington roof gardens.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Cocktails at Sticks'n'Sushi

Cocktails at Sticks'n'Sushi

I have the longest unfulfilled obsession with Japan.  I can't pinpoint the exact moment it began but probably coincided with when I stopped my ugly little gothy stage around puberty and decided that it's not so bad to like beautiful things.  I dream of the day I will (and I WILL) sit in a park among the cherry blossom trees or hide away among the mountains and lakes.

To placate this desire (for now), me and my sister - who writes the beautifully photographed and written blog Hanhabelle - headed to Sticks'n'Sushi for lunch.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Mr Fogg's Cocktail Bar Review

Mr Fogg's Cocktail Bar Review

When I first saw "The wizard of Oz", I couldn't think of anything worse than it being all in black and white so thank goodness it changes to techni-absolutely glorious-colour and got all eccentric and stuff.  Going to Mr Fogg's recreated a similar feeling (and I could definitely do with investing in some kick-ass red heels).